Franco-Dutch Meeting Bezout-Eurandom
(july 7 to 9, 2021, Institut Henri Poincaré, Amphi Hermite). Slides
Journées "Processus de Hawkes"
(Du 5 au 6 juillet 2021, Institut Henri Poincaré, Amphi Hermite). Slides
Oberwolfach Mini-Workshop : One-sided and Two-sided Stochastic Descriptions
(February 23 to February 29, 2020 -- with Noam Berger, Stein Bethuelsen, Diana Conache)
(du 28 aout au 5 septembre 2019, UPEC, MSE Créteil)
Colloque Bezout-UPEC : " Statistical mechanics, g-measures and PCA "
(MSE Créteil, April 25-26, 2019)
(TU/e Eindhoven, December 19-21, 2018 -- with R. van der Hofstad, F. Nardi)
1st Franco-Dutch Young European Probabilists
(Eurandom, TU/e Eindhoven, May 28 -- June 1, 2018 -- with R. van der Hofstad)
(UPEC, Créteil, June 14-16 2016)
Processes with memories in probability and statistical mechanics
(UPEC, Créteil, Dec 6-8 2014 -- with E. Loecherbach)
Long memory processes in probability, statistical mechanics, and applications to neuroscience
(Université Cergy-Pontoise, Dec 5,6 2013 -- With E. Loecherbach)
M. D'Achille, A. van Enter, A. Le Ny
Decimation for Two Dimensional long-range Ising and Rotator Models I
Accepted for publication in "Journal of Mathematical Physics", 2022. file preprint
M. D'Achille, A. Le Ny
Almost Gibbsian Measures on a Cayley Tree
Accepted for publication in "Markov Processes and Related Fields", 2022. file preprint
A. Le Ny
Gibbs Measures for Long-Range Ising Models
To appear in "Etats de la Recherche en Mécanique Statistique", Panoramas et Synthèse (SMF), 2022. file preprint
A. van Enter, A. Le Ny, F. Paccaut
Markov and Almost Markov Properties in One and More Dimensions.
"Markov Processes and Related Fields", 27:315-337, 2021. file preprint
E.O. Endo, A. van Enter, A. Le Ny
The Roles of Random Boundary Conditions in Spin Systems.
"In and Out of Equilibrium 3. Celebrating Vladas Sidoravicius", Progress in Probability, 271-381, 2021. file preprint
N. Berger, S. Bethuelsen, D. Conache, A. Le Ny
One-sided and Two-sided Stochastic Descriptions.
Oberwolfach Reports 17, 601--637, 2021. file preprint
A. Le Ny, L. Liao, U. Rozikov. p-adic
Boundary Laws and Markov Chains on Trees.
Lett. Maths. Phys., Vol 110, no 10:2725--2741, 2020. file preprint
R. Bissacot, E. Endo, A.
Van Enter, B. Kimura, A. Le Ny, W. Ruszel. Dyson
Models under Renormalization and in Weak Fields
Sojourns in Probability and Statistical Physics I, Vol 110, no 10:2725--2741, 2019. file preprint
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, volume 298 (V. Sidoravicius, NYU Shanghai, editor), 2019.
F. Henning, C. Kuelske, A.
Le Ny, U. Rozikov. Gradient
Gibbs Measures for the SoS model with countable values on a Cayley
Electron. J. Probab. Volume 24, Paper no 124:1-23, 2019.
P. Cénac, A. Le Ny, B. de
Loynes, Y. Offret. Persistent
Random Walks II: Scaling limits
J. Theo. Probab. Volume 32, No 2:633-659, 2019.
L. Coquille, A. van Enter,
A. Le Ny, W. Ruszel. Absence
of Dobrushin's states for 2d-long-range Ising models
J. Stat. Phys. Volume 172, No 5:1210--1222, 2018.
R. Bissacot, E. Endo, A.
Van Enter, A. Le Ny. Entropic
repulsion and lack of the g-measure property for Dyson models
Comm. Math. Phys. Volume 1363 : 767 -- 788, 2018.
P. Cénac, A. Le Ny, B. de
Loynes, Y. Offret. Persistent Random Walks I: Recurrence vs. Transience
J. Theo. Probab. Volume 24, 2018.
A. van Enter, A. Le Ny. Decimation
of the Dyson-Ising Ferromagnet
Stoch. Proc. Appl. Volume 127, no 11, 2017.
B. Cessac, A. Le Ny, E.
the Mathematical Consequences of Binning Rasters
Neural Computation Volume 29, no 1:146--170, 2017.
A. Le Ny.
Almost Gibbsianness and Parsimonious Description of the Decimated
2d-Ising Model
J. Stat. Phys. Volume 152, no 2:305--335, 2013.
A. Le Ny.
Deux problèmes probabilistes d'inspiration physicienne
HDR de l'université de Paris-Sud, Orsay, 26 novembre 2010.
A. Le Ny.
Gibbsian description of mean-field models
Progress in Probability In ``In and out equilibrium 2'', Volume 60 pp 463--480, Birk., 2008.
N. Guillotin-Plantard, A.
Le Ny.
Functional Limit Theorem for a random walk with dependent marginals
Elec. Comm. Probab. Volume 13:337--351, 2008.
A. Le Ny.
Introduction to generalized Gibbs measures
Ensaios Matématicos Volume 15 : 1--126, 2008.
N. Guillotin-Plantard, A.
Le Ny.
Transient random walks on 2D-oriented lattices
Theory of Probab. Appl. Volume 52, no 4 : 815-826, 2007.
C. Kuelske, A. Le Ny.
Loss and recovery of Gibbsianness during spin-flip dynamics of the
Curie-Weiss model
Comm. Math. Phys. Volume 207,431--454, 2007.
A. Le Ny.
Phase Diagram of the Curie-Weiss Random Field Ising Model
ICMP 2006 Poster, Rio de Janeiro, august 2006.
C. Kuelske, A. Le Ny, F.
Loss and recovery of Gibbsianness during spin-flip dynamics of the
Curie-Weiss model
Ann. Proba. Volume 32, no 2 : 1691--1726, 2004.
A. Le Ny, F. Redig.
Deviations at Fixed Time in Glauber Evolution
Markov Proc. Relat. Fields Volume 10, no 1 : 65--74, 2004.
R. Fernandez, A. Le Ny, F.
Principle and Almost Quasilocality for Renormalized Measures
J. Stat. Phys. Volume 119 : 465--477, 2003.
R. Fernandez, A. Le Ny, F.
of Gibbsianness for Projected and FKG Renormalized Measures
Bull. Braz. Math. Soc. New Series, Volume 34 (3) : 437--455, 2003.
A. Le Ny, Frank Redig.
time conservation of Gibbsianness under Local Stochastic Dynamics
J. Stat. Phys. Volume 109, nos 5/6 : 1073--1090, 2002.
A. Le Ny.
de Gibbs sur un réseau, non-gibbsiannité et quasilocalité fractale
: restauration du formalisme gibbsien
Thèse de doctorat , université de Rennes 1, 13 juillet 2000.
A. Le Ny.
Fractal Failure of Quasilocality for a Majority Rule Transfomation on a
Cayley Tree
Lett. Math. Phys. Volume 54, no 1: 11--24, 2000.
A. Le Ny.
of the 2D Ising Model : non-Gibbsianness at Low Temperature
Publications de l’Institut de recherche mathématiques de Rennes fascicule 2 « Fascicule de probabilités », pp. 1-71, 1998. 1998.