I am ATER (contractual assistant professor) at LAMA (Université Gustave Eiffel). I am completing a PhD at LAMA (Université Gustave Eiffel) and CERMICS (École des Ponts) under the supervision of Jean-François Delmas (CERMICS) and Pierre-André Zitt (LAMA), on the subject "Atoms of a positive operator on Lp and application to the study of equilibria of an infinite-dimensional SIS model". My PhD is financed by the ED MSTIC and Labex Bézout, and the defense is planned for December 13, 2024.

My main reserch interests are epidemiological modelling using functional analysis (especially positive operators on Banach lattices). I am also intersted in random graphs, graphon theory and stochastic processes.

Contact :

  • By mail : kacem(dot)lefki(at)univ-eiffel(dot)fr (pro hint : replace (dot) by . and (at) by @ )
  • Office : Office 4B070, Copernic Building, Université Gustave Eiffel, 5 Boulevard Descartes, 77420 Champs-Sur-Marne, France

PhD Defense : 13rd of December at 2:00 p.m., room 4B125, Copernic Building, Université Gustave Eiffel in Champs-sur-Marne.